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Understand Your Rights
experience where it matters
With a team dedicated to dealing with bad checks and credit card chargebacks, our agents are capable of handling any situation you are faced with regarding returned payments.
collect all of your damages
There are various penalties that a party can face when writing a bad check. This can range from the cost of the return check up to 3 times the face value in some areas. Our agents will ensure you are seeking the maximum amount recoverable.
reduce risk
When you deposit a check that bounces or have a credit card charge back this can create issues with your financial institution. While your not the party that caused the issue, the bank will still factor these returns in when considering your account. Using for high risk accounts can protect you from these issues.
fast remittances
With remittances on collected funds processed twice a month. You can put the money we collect for you back into your business faster than anyone else in the industry. You can also elect for electronic payments so there is no waiting for the check in the mail like with other agencies.